Welcome to
Tubemail Pty Ltd

Tubemail is an Australian owned and operated business supplying services to the Health Care Industry.

Tubemail focuses on supplying high quality, reliable and consistent service across all aspects of installation, service, maintenance and consulting. We are always willing to work with our clients to ensure their long and short term goals are achieved.

Tubemail is proud to be certified to the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Standard as an additional commitment to providing process traceability, accountability and enhancing the highest level of quality service to our Clients.

Tubemail is at the forefront of innovation in transport and Automation solutions, we have just released our own range of Autonomous cleaning and delivery Robots, Pharmacy and Pathology Automation.

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Our Services


Autonomous Vehicles


Pneumatic Tube Systems


Pharmacy and Pathology Automation

About Us

Tubemail provides installation, service and maintenance of Pneumatic Tube Systems to a wide variety of industries, and are specialists in hospital applications.


Our Clients

Our innovative approach improves performance and availability of critical assets, maintaining system integrity and client reputation. Customer feedback can be viewed here.

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